Ok, now that you have some background information, how about we talk about the initial reason for this blog? The actual race! The Spartan 5K!
How this race idea came about is rather amusing. See, this is something I've had on my "bucket list" for quite some time...probably because I was told when I was younger that I wouldn't be able to do things like this. And, well, to be perfectly honest, it was HARD! HOWEVER, I used to teach line dance lessons once upon a time and when I was dancing 6 nights a week, you couldn't really tell I walked any differently than anyone else. But, yeah...I'm that girl that will show you I CAN when you tell me I CAN'T. Hahaha!! So, one of the Master Sergeants I work with came into my office about 5 weeks ago and said "Spartan 5K. March 22/23. You in??" I looked at him and said "Are you CRAZY?? I just saw what y'all did with the Tough Mudder this weekend...I can't do that!!" He said, "Yes you can, and I'll tell you why! I watched a man in a wheelchair make it through the Tough Mudder. If he can do THAT, you can do THIS. Besides, I'm gonna be right there with you through the whole thing...and if I have to throw you on my back or walk beside you the whole way, then that's what I'll do. But I promise you that I will get you to the finish line!" It took me a few hours to make the decision to do this, because I knew my road ahead was going to be tough, and quite frankly, I was afraid. I was mostly afraid of failing at this, but I was lovingly reminded that I'll always fail if I never try. THAT was one principle that I was raised on too, and I was encouraged to try everything! Interesting that through this experience, it's bringing me back to my roots.
So - on to training! Keep in mind that I have NEVER stepped foot on a treadmill before, nor have I ever done any form of endurance exercise like walking or running. When I got on the treadmill for the very first time, my goal was 1/4 mile for the first week...and I REACHED my goal!!! My pace was roughly 1.2 mph and I even set it for "rolling hills" knowing that when the race came, I would be dealing with some rolling hills. Lol! But I learned something in the process. This journey was going to be as much of a mental journey as a physical one. Why? Because the entire time I was walking, I had to tell myself "pick your feet up, put your heels down, stand up straight, etc" - things that most people do automatically. These don't come "automatic" for me right now, but if I don't do them, my leg muscles will burn out fast. So, I'm trying to keep up with the treadmill, trying to maintain motivation to keep from quitting (walking is NOT one of my favorite pastimes, just saying!), AND mentally coaching myself while I do it. It's TOUGH! My arms are also getting a workout because I'm having to really hold on to maintain my balance on the treadmill and keep from falling. So - my whole body is sore when I'm through...but surprisingly, I think it's a GOOD thing!!
The plan was to maintain 1/4 mile for a couple of weeks, then move up to a 1/2 mile...then 3/4 mile...and so on. I am currently up to 3/4 mile at a pace of 2mph. It's painful...the actual bones and joints in my feet hurt...some days, really bad. My legs and arms are sore. But, somehow, I seem to be managing well. This past weekend we had drill...and I announced my journey to the Marines during formation. I just wanted to share my excitement with my Marine family after I had made some announcements. They all cheered for me!! I even had a couple ask me if they could be on my team!! When I told them I wasn't doing this to win, only to finish, and that I was probably going to walk the entire thing, they responded with, "That's OK, Ms. Kati. We'll be walking right beside you!" I'm so blessed!!
To think, the people I so greatly admire believe in me so much that they think I can do this...AND they are willing to help me get there. I'm...just incredibly humbled. I don't have any other words. To feel like I'm part of the team is truly the best feeling I could ever ask for! Thank you for the push, MSgt Vest!!
So, as they say at the races, "And away we go!"
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